Sunday, 10 February 2013

Opening the Back Doors!

I sketched a front and back view of R2 to work out what bits I wanted on it - like a gripper, USB ports, LED lights etc. And a thought occurred to me (I side was a bit of a concern have fully rested from this now) I wonder if I can join the aluminium droids and have an opening back door. As my droid is styrene, the structural strength was a concern. Making a cuppa to keep me warm in the DMW, I trudged off and started cutting away.
Its not too late yet!

After the first cut it was no turning back. I cut through 2 uprights and through one of the rings. Another 2 uprights were removed (worryingly this was quite easy).
It is definitely too late now!!

The uprights were removed from the section of ring and this was then glued to the cut off uprights. Confused! Its simple if you look at the photos.


The theory is that the skins will add strength plus I have a nice little idea that I've discussed with Skye to give a bit of strength and a nice little touch too (can't say what until its done)

1 comment:

  1. Looks promising!

    The skins add a huge amount of support to the styrene frame. I handled my frame like a new born until I got my skins on, now I throw it in the boot of the car. From the other side of the road.

    Looking forward to seeing what you do for a door! I think I'm passed the point of no return now, but my swearing over the last 6 months would have easily been halved if I had easy access to the internals.

    Smart move :)
