Friday 16 December 2011

Brrrrr!!! Its cold out here!!

Well, as you can guess from the title I've been out in the garage doing a few more bits to R2 and the weather is a bit cold. Even had a little snow this morning!
I have now completed the second leg and ankle, rounded the shoulder hubs off together - so theoritcally they should be the same size (!!!!). The legs have expanding foam in them to give a bit of weight and support - it may stop the hollowness when R2 moves if theres any?

And today it was starting on the other main foot. I had to keep coming indoors every half hour just to warm the fingers up. If it carries on like this I may have to put on warmer clothes than the shorts!

2nd foot underway

My plan is to have the second foot done by Christmas so that R2 can come inside and celebrate with us standing on his own. My presents from the in-laws turned up today and I couldn't help have a peek at them - a set of Jaycar motors (they are so small) and some LEDs.
My step-daughters fiance will be making the adapters for the wheels/motors next week. Ready to put on after Christmas.
The LEDs will be for Skye and me to start playing about with programming using the Picaxe board etc, that the in-laws have got me. This will hopefully get Skye involved as we get the LEDs to flash at different rates, operating servos etc. It will be all new to me this electrickery stuff so we should both learn something (Skye more than me, probably)
The bits so far.
The understanding wife has ordered me a set of aliminum skins from Deetoo on the UK R2 Builders forum - but it looks like they will be after Christmas.
Florida is booked for next year whilst Star Wars weekends are on - yippee!!!

If I don't blog any more

have a Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year everyone.

May the force be with you.


  1. Looking good mate! Might have to tap my in-laws up for stuff, didn't think of that one ;-)

  2. As for the cold, get yourself an oil filled heater, means you can stay out in the garage for longer, trust me it definitely helps!!
