Friday, 25 January 2013

More electronics!!

Another productive bit of a day even though Skye (my co-builder!) was sent home from school with a funny tummy - yep! that old chestnut!.
After quickly, but properly, soldering the LEDs in with no filing to be seen it was time to program the Arduino to see it working.
Using my new netbook (xmas pressie from the wife) I had to download all the software and try and upload the program. It took me all afternoon for the netbook to pick up the COM port (?) but perseverance paid off and the result is below. I do need to solder on some wires and LEDS for the battery monitor. Like the dome displays these cant be added until a much later date when everything else is done. Little steps!!!

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

A little progress

The dome has acclimatised indoors and I have printed off some plans with dimensions on so I can start marking out in the near future.

On other news, I have just spent about 2 hours watching the TV whilst filing the small lip off of 77 3mm LEDS. I did try swapping hands but it wasn't as effective.
These will now be soldered into the front logic boards tomorrow and that will be the dome lighting finished - hence the near future marking of the dome

Believe it or not some are blue!!

Thursday, 10 January 2013

wot no piccies - boring!!!

Since the success of getting R2-ST moving on Boxing Day, I have spent a little time in the DMW (Design & Maintenance Workshop) doing little bits.
Both PSI's are now completed and tested, work has begun on the front logic displays and this involves filing each 3mm LED to ensure the bezel fits. Slow progress.
The backs of the utility arm boxes have been cut out and are drying as I type.

As the weather is getting colder, I have managed to sneak a dome indoors to acclimatise. This will then allow me to start marking out the panels etc, ready for cutting. The cuts will determine where the cuts are needed for the inner dome.  Going to be nervous cutting it out, cos if it all goes wrong!!!!!!!

Got to start working on it in earnest now as there's a big event up North that the UK R2 Builders have been invited too for the Help For Heroes charity. Check this link for guests, dates etc